For some reason lately my thoughts have been focused on music, and while I love music, it’s making me a little crazy… I’m a writer not a musician. It all started the night after my E.R. visit. I’m laying in bed trying to go to sleep, ( I say trying to because A. I have no sleeping pills, and B. even if I did, I was still a little afraid to take one. ) Non the less, I’m lying in bed staring at the ceiling counting the sheep as they jump the fence. And the thought hit me…( and ya know what it sort of hurt…I mean I wasn’t really expecting to be hit..) MUSIC; maybe some soft music would help. So I pick up my iPod and I scroll through playlists and nothing is feeling right. I want to sleep not dance, or sing along…the toe-tapping wasn’t going to help settle the mind.
Please realize that I like and pretty much listen to a wide variety of music…some I like better than others but they all have a beauty to them. Classical, Jazz, Blues, Country…all good.
I have my favorites; I grew up in the era of the portable record player and the 45’s. And to this day, I swear there is nothing that takes me back to fond memories at grandmas than hearing the scratchiness of a Record of NAT KING COLE singing UNFORGETTABLE. Who remembers putting on those 45’s and sitting on the floor of your bedroom singing along to ANDY GIBB, or DIANA ROSS? How about BILLY DON’T BE A HERO or AMERICAN PIE maybe it was PAPER LACE and THE NIGHT CHICAGO DIED…such good songs. But let’s face it, none of those will help me sleep. And while there are so many soundscapes, I’m sad to say those weren’t helping either.
So here I am with a couple of questions, what were some of your favorites growing up and what do you listen too now that relaxes you?
P.S. The soundtrack to the Big Chill most assuredly makes me tap my foot so it’s out too. ?
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